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Ideas to Dress Up Like an Animal

Ideas to Dress Up Like an Animal

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If you're jubilant 100 of something—the 100th mean solar day of school, your 100th client, and and then on—one entertaining way to admit the event is to dress up as a 100 year old woman. This outfit also works for Halloween or other general costume parties. Best of all, near of the supplies you need tin can be found at home or from a austerity store.

  1. ane

    Find a long clothes or brim. The bottom hem of the skirt should fall just below the human knee, at the calves, or at the talocrural joint.

    • Roses, chintz, and other pocket-sized floral prints are some of your best options. Large floral print and many geometric prints can work, too, but keep in heed that the pattern should look one-time fashioned.
    • Stay away from bold, bright colors. Opt for neutrals, dull hues, or pastel shades.
    • The shape of the dress or brim is besides of import. Directly, breezy "muumuu" styles are ideal, just indigestible cuts will besides piece of work. Avert form fitting clothing.
  2. ii

    Pick out a matching blouse. If you opted for a skirt instead of a full dress, you'll need a blouse to complete the basic outfit. Try to find a long-sleeve button-down blouse in white or a light pastel shade.

    • As with dresses and skirts, the cut of the blouse should exist boxy and directly rather than being fitted.


  3. iii

    Throw on a shawl or sweater. A 100 year onetime woman is more sensitive to the cold than her younger counterparts would be. Pall a shawl over your shoulders or slip on a plainly button-down cardigan sweater.

    • If you opt for a shawl, look for i made of knitted wool or soft cotton. Lace designs, floral prints, and plain colors will all work. Drape the shawl over your shoulders and tie or pin information technology in place at the front of your body. [i]
    • If you go with the sweater option, wear the sweater instead of draping it over your shoulders. Cull a simple, straight-cut silhouette and stick with drab, solid colors.
  4. 4

    Cull a unproblematic sneaker or loafer. Think about the type of shoe a 100 year former foot would feel comfy in. Evidently white sneakers are a good pick, but supportive loafers could work, too.

    • The sneakers should exist as manifestly and elementary as possible. Canvas sneakers are better than athletic walking shoes.
    • Similarly, any loafers you habiliment should be simple. Dark chocolate-brown or black options are best.
  5. 5

    Wear stockings. Skip the socks. Instead, slip on a pair of plain articulatio genus-high or waist-high nylon stockings.

    • The stockings should exist evidently. Avoid textured leggings or stockings with prints on them.
    • Color pick makes a deviation here, as well. Your best options are flesh, ivory, and white. Avoid black nylons and ones that come up in unconventional colors (bluish, ruby, etc.).


  1. 1

    Wear vintage style costume jewelry. Opt for a large brooch, necklace, or pair of earrings. Choose a piece with classic colors and metals and avert trendy statement jewelry.

    • Large pearls and large solid-colour beads work well. For instance, a brusque strand of pearls or beads is a swell necklace pick, and big single pearl earrings make a practiced choice for your ears.
    • Classic metals are other adept options. Aureate often has a more antiqued look than silver, but a dull silver piece can work, equally well. Avoid "trendy" metals similar gunmetal silver or rose gold.
  2. 2

    Consider wearing a lid or kerchief. These accessories are not strictly necessary, but certain hat styles are more commonly worn by 100 twelvemonth olds and other elderly woman. You could also tie a simple kerchief over your pilus if you cannot find the correct sort of hat.

    • When picking out a hat, look for styles that were common to earlier eras. For a 100 year erstwhile woman, consider styles that would take been pop in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s, when she would accept been young and in the prime of her life.
    • Kerchiefs or headscarves tend to have an "former country" appearance. Tie the headscarf so that it covers the top of your head and knots beneath your chin or at the back of your head. Avoid bandana styles. Instead, await for plain off-white kerchiefs or scarves with traditional floral prints.
  3. 3

    Skid on a pair of glasses. Since eyesight oftentimes deteriorates with age, many 100 year old women will sport a pair of spectacles. Look for uncomplicated round or rectangular frames. Cat-eyed frames could piece of work, as well.

    • If you practise not take spectacles of your own, consider ownership a pair of reading spectacles from a cheap dollar store or all-purpose store. These lenses are usually nothing more than magnifiers, but if they carp your optics, y'all can simply pop the lenses out and wearable the frames.
    • You could as well look for an old pair of glasses from a thrift store or other secondhand store.
  4. 4

    Sling a handbag onto your arm. A small handbag sized handbag is meliorate than a large one. Purses with handles are as well a better option than those with a long shoulder strap.

    • Tuck the handle of the purse into the crook of your elbow and conduct it around that way.
    • Every bit with most aspects of this costume, simpler is better. Solid colors are preferable to prints and patterns.
  5. 5

    Behave a cane or push a walker. [2] Walking on one's own becomes more hard in old age. Button effectually a walker if you tin find one. If non, expect for a simple walking cane and hobble around with that.


  1. ane

    Put long pilus in a bun. If your pilus is long plenty, tie information technology back in a simple bun at the base of operations of your neck or the back of your caput.

    • If you have difficulty with a traditional bun, y'all can make a loose i with nothing but an elastic ponytail holder. Necktie your hair back with the ponytail holder. On the final wrap-around, practise non pull your ponytail all the style through; instead, pull the hair through the elastic ring just enough to create a crash-land or bun at the acme. To go along the ends secure, wrap a second elastic band around the first.
  2. two

    Curl shorter hair. If your pilus is too short to put in a bun, consider adding tight curls using hair rollers.

    • If you don't have rollers, consider using bobby pins to create tight pin curls, instead.
    • The chief idea is simply to create tight curls that frame the face or otherwise cease above the shoulder. Loose, flowing curls would not work as well.
    • Alternatively, yous could leave the curlers in your hair. This volition create a much more casual, "at home" look. Make sure that the curlers are secure, though, and so that they won't accidentally fall out every bit the day passes.
  3. three

    Sprinkle on some baby powder or flour. A uncomplicated fox for making pilus look grayer is to dust it with a trivial white pulverization, like baby powder or flour. Less is more than, though. You desire the hair color to look faded, but you lot don't want the pulverization to be especially noticeable.

    • Evenly sprinkle the powder over your head. It is all-time to sift it out, rather than applying it with your hands.
    • Once it's on there, shake your pilus to suspension up whatsoever clumps and help spread the powder throughout. You may even wish to run a comb through your pilus to help spread the powder.
    • Spray a petty hairspray over the hair subsequently applying the pulverization to help preclude the pulverisation from falling out.
    • When done, both baby powder and flour should wash out of your hair with enough water and shampoo. Babe powder might be easier to strip from your locks than flour would be.
  4. iv

    Consider investing in a wig. [three] Another option is to simply purchase a cheap gray or white costume wig. You can usually detect an one-time woman'south wig at whatever store that sells costume supplies.


  1. one

    Use cool-tone foundation. Lightly apply a cool-tone foundation to your face to requite information technology an aged, yellowed look.

    • Utilise a pale cool-tone foundation, even if your skin is naturally warm-toned. Regular foundation volition work, but it might be easier for you to find a foundation with a potent yellow undertone if you utilise costume makeup.
    • Apply the foundation evenly over the exposed skin of your confront and neck. Use a sponge or brush to do this.
    • When finished, the color of your peel should exist paler than normal, but it should still look similar it could be natural human skin.
  2. ii

    Trace wrinkles in brown eyeliner pencil. Look for whatsoever light wrinkles that grade on your natural face when you lot smile or pout. Trace these wrinkles in brown eyeliner, then smudge the eyeliner to alloy it into your pare.

    • Grin, frown, or other scrunch your face up to produce a natural ready of creases. Even young peel creases when the face contorts in unlike means. As a person ages, these creases are what develop into wrinkles.
    • Lightly trace over the wrinkles around your eyes and mouth using brown eyeliner pencil. Avoid gel liners.
    • Employ an eyeliner pencil close to your natural skin tone and lightly highlight around the edges of each brown mark.
    • Blend the two liner colors together using a makeup sponge. Doing and then volition make your creases look more like wrinkles without making the eyeliner marks too obvious.
  3. three

    Add a touch of rouge. Grit the apples of your cheeks with a moderate amount of pink blush or rouge. The idea is to make it somewhat obvious that y'all're wearing brand-up instead of making it look as natural as possible.

    • Consider using a cream rouge instead of a powdered i. Either option volition work, only creams tend to have a more pronounced look.
  4. 4

    Utilize a petty lipstick. Choose a matte lipstick in a classic shade. Avoid glittery lipsticks or shiny lip glosses.

    • Don't exist afraid to cull an option that is a little bolder than your normal preferences. A deep pinkish or solid crimson could work well. Avert hot pinks and burn engine reds, though, since these might be a footling too flashy.
    • Lips tend to thin out with age, too, then you could consider applying a skin-colored lip liner to the outer perimeter of your top and bottom lip before putting on your lipstick to create the appearance of thinner lips.


Add New Question

  • Question

    Why would I need to know this?

    Community Answer

    Y'all don't need to know this, some people simply want to. The article is for people who want to dress up every bit a 100-year-old woman (e.g., for Halloween - as described in the introduction). If the topic does not pertain to you lot or involvement you lot, so just don't read the article. That goes for every article on the site.

  • Question

    How would I make a pikestaff?

    Community Answer

    You can make i out of a reasonably straight stick or a dowel rod that you can purchase at a craft or hardware store.

  • Question

    Volition flour get everywhere if I clothes similar a 100 year former adult female?

    Community Answer

    Yes. Flour unremarkably gets all over any fourth dimension yous use it for anything. Use with circumspection.

  • Question

    ?Should you use a curling fe or actual curlers

    Community Answer

    Curlers are actually associated with old women, so, if you would want to announced 100 years old, go for the curlers.

  • Question

    What can I do if I don't accept any rouge?

    Community Answer

    If you don't have rouge, keep exfoliating, because it will give yous rosy cheeks. You can too pinch your cheeks to make them rosier.

  • Question

    What should I exercise if I can't find a cane?

    Community Answer

    You could only get without it. You lot could besides use a big stick instead of a pikestaff, although it might look a trivial strange.

  • Question

    Tin can you substitute anything for nylon stockings?


    You could clothing tights, leggings or jeggings instead. A very old woman may wear pinch hose instead of stockings, so thicker weight tights and leggings in stocking colors would exist nearly suitable.

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Ideas to Dress Up Like an Animal




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